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1、pocket 英式读音#39p#594k#618t美式读音#39pɑk#618t中文谐音抛尅特 词义n 口袋钱容器 vt 隐藏忍受将放入衣袋 vi 形成袋或囊 adj 小型的,袖珍的金钱上的 双语例句I put。

2、中文翻译是虽然可能存在使用最先进技术的高效率公司,但由于金融摩擦和其他缺陷,这些公司无法吸引效率所要求的大量生产资源pockets的含义衣袋 口袋 兜 小口袋,小容器 钱财 财力 资金 把放进衣袋。

3、翻译成低洼处凹处,pocket不仅仅是口袋容器的意思riverside pocket河边低洼处整个句子意思是有10001500个男性仍然躲在河边的低洼处,同时还有一些妇女和儿童,人数无法确定pocket 英 #712p#594k#618。

4、pocketmoney翻译是零用钱,pocketmoney是一个组合词,由pocket袋子和money钱组合而成影视原声Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it#39s better to save。


6、In my pocket在我口袋中,可能翻译成“我的所有”可能比较有意味一点Among the many muted faces 许多沉默中脸 You try to find me in the spaces 你尝试在太空空间中寻找我 Youacutere drawn to my song。

7、Tom i hope that you have got some money 汤姆我指望你还有一些钱He felt in his pocket for some money 他在口袋里摸著,想找些钱I#39ll give you some money to tide you over 我。


8、Living to the age, I also is really understand a lot of things Facing the family and their lives, I still want to deal with it Pocket is empty words, many times I have no choice, facing many。


9、关于口袋灵眸DJI Pocket 2 如何修改系统语言问题,建议以下操作打开口袋灵眸单机后,在屏幕上方从上往下拉,看到小齿轮图标,点击进入后,右滑,点击最右下角的正方形图标,进入后点击上方第一个设置可修改系统语言。

10、至少比工具的翻译的好 呵呵 艾薇儿 *** ile歌词and中文翻译 百度百科有 *** ile微笑 You know that I#39m a crazy bitch 你知道我的疯狂个性 I do what I want,when I feel like it 我向来随心所欲 All I wanna do is。

11、After half an hour after Newton#39s experiments At this time, he reminds me of pot eggs He opened a pot of view, there is no eggs, there is only one pocket watchNewton was surprised, looked up and。

12、Do you have a good time in China these days?this is my first time to send you emailI don#39t know what should I write Could you send me your photos?Because weijia did not send me and I cannot。

13、Children marketing staff aware of the growing importance of consumer markets, family communication patterns that affect consumer behavior of children an important factor, stable source of young people#39s pocket money。

14、20111230 轴承专业术语中land怎么翻译啊?谢谢 20120113 轴承术语英文翻译成中文,高分悬赏,翻译的好的再加50 1 20080402 英语翻译lt汽车轴承类用语翻译 20150714 edge drop在轴承中翻译成术语是什么 更多类似问题。

15、Pocket Sneakoscope窥镜,有不可信任的人接近,它会发光打转大叫Cauldron坩埚 Phial装液体的 药瓶 Scales天平 TonTongue Toffees肥舌太妃糖 Boggart博格特,形状会变,它会变成你最害怕的东西。



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