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pocketmoney翻译,pocket clock翻译


1、零花钱,零用钱 翻译。

2、单词发音英 #712m#652ni美 #712m#652ni单词释义n 货币,钱,金钱,资产,财富,工资,财产,报酬单词短语搭配1pocket money零用钱2dirty money不义之财单词造句1He didn#39t look as though he had the money to speculate in shares他看上去不。

3、N在一所黑暗肮脏的房子里住着一个矮小的脏兮兮的商贩他常常加工一些不卫生的糖果并把这些糖果出售给学生他现在有很多钱但他怎么制作糖果地呢哦,嘘他来了第二幕在学校门口N第二天放学以后,学生们全都快乐地走出学校,那个商贩像往常一样走到校门口 第三幕在麦姬家。

4、英语in your pocket time显然, 这个短语是不成立的有 pocket money零花钱例如He bought the toy with his pocket money但未找到pocket time 的出处如果再加上介词in, in your pocket time在你的口袋时间里 不知所云。

5、翻译For they donate pocket money to them to buy school supplies, sent them to write to them and make friends 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼*^__^*有不会的可以再问我。

6、Scene1 在售货员的家N在一楝黑暗肮脏的房子,在那里住了小肮脏的售卖 sman 他总是制造不健康的糖果而且把他们卖给学生他现在有许多钱但是他制造起来如何糖果哦,北越货币单位他即将到来S哈罗,你认识我吗不哦,让我告诉你我是学校门的出名糖果售货员我的糖果。

7、钱在英文中有多种表达方式,其中最常用的是quotmoneyquot,它直接对应中文中的quot钱quot,用于日常交流和金融讨论其他常见的词汇包括quotlollyquot糖果钱quotkailquot俚语,金钱quotmazumaquot俚语,现金quotoofquot俚语,钱quotquidsquot英式俚语,英镑quotpocket moneyquot零花钱quotrhinoquot俚语,大量现金。

8、谁有零钱?翻译成英文是“Who has change?”重点词汇 change 一单词音标 change单词发音英 t#643e#618nd#658 美 t#643e#618nd#658二单词释义 n 变化零钱 v 改变 三词形变化 动词过去式 changed 动词过去分词 changed 动词现在分词 changing。

pocketmoney翻译,pocket clock翻译

9、How to speng my pocket moner The best way to spend my pocket money is saving them Although it looks so little now ,but if you save it , with the time going by ,the amount will be more and more May be one dayyou can use it to buy a car for yourself翻译花我。

10、11 Folding Money 纸币 12 Front Money 预付款 13 Glove Money 贿赂 14 Good Money 有利可图的钱 15 Hard Money 价格稳定的钱例如人民币,在亚洲经济中的作用16 Hot Money 短期流动资金 17 Hush Money 封口费 18 Pill Money 零花钱pocket moneypin。

11、10 fairy money 捡的钱 11 folding money 纸币 12 front money 预会金 13 glove money 贿赂 14 good money 有利可图的钱 15 hard money 价格比较稳定的钱例如人民币,在亚洲经济中的作用 16 hot money 短期流动资金 17 hush money 赌别人嘴的钱 18 pill money 零花钱pocket moneypin。

12、可以这么翻译 主要是appreciate 和small gifts of money两处这里用的表达挺有意思,appreciate vt 1 欣赏,赏识 2 感谢,感激 3 体会,领会,察知+that 4 正确地评价 这里却用到了喜欢的意思同样,对于零用钱用的表达不是pocket money而是small gifts of money 不过翻译完全无误 补充。

13、选 B 翻译为你怎么赚到零花钱的通过做一些零儿活赚到的比如,打扫房间啊洗碗啊by 是“通过”的意思for是“为了”的意思 with一般表伴随at 一般用于”在什么地方“。

14、In conclusion, by saving some of our pocket money and spending the rest wisely, we can make the most of our money and learn valuable financial skillsDifficult words1 Emergencies noun 紧急情况2 Prioritize verb 优先考虑中文翻译标题如何花好我们的零花钱 零花钱是我们。

15、Every child has pocket money, when they get the money from parents, most of them will buy what they want and spend the money quickly Parents will give their children pocket money in the certain time, the children can use the money in a wise way They can take out some。

16、My pocket money is saved in my living expenses, I always use it to buy school supplies, to travel and to buy my favorite snacks。

pocketmoney翻译,pocket clock翻译



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